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Girl Scout Pizza Party

The Girl Scouts were in the house today with Troop 137074 our special Independence Village Girl Scout Troop. They worked together as a group to make 3 different kinds of salad dressing that they then used for their salads when they later had a Pizza Party lunch with the guys. They invited the guys over to enjoy crafting with them and then they enjoyed their awesome Pizza Party. They have been busy earning new badges and their scout leaders got busy sewing them onto their vests. Great Job Ladies of Troop 137074! We are so proud of you and all that you have accomplished this year. *Get ready everyone, cookie season will be here soon. Start thinking about what cookies you want to buy from our amazing Girl Scouts!

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The Independence Village is an assisted living facility for residents with intellectual disabilities. Providing independent living and promoting community involvement.

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905 Hwy 3 North | Texas City, TX. 77591

409-935-4335  | 409-935-4153 (Fax)

© Independence Village

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