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Girl Scout Troop Celebrates 1 Year

Our Girls Scouts are in the iVillage House! They are starting the year strong with the first meeting of the year. Our Girl Scout Troop is now 1 year old, and our Girl Scouts are excited to have earned their 1 year star pin. Cookie season is almost upon us, and our Girl Scouts are excited to remind you to anticipate cookie sales coming soon starting on February 11th. There are even a couple of new flavors to look forward to.

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The Independence Village is an assisted living facility for residents with intellectual disabilities. Providing independent living and promoting community involvement.

A long-term care ombudsman helps residents of a nursing facility and residents of an assisted living facility resolve complaints.  Help provided by an ombudsman is confidential and free of charge.  To speak with an ombudsman, a person may call the toll-free number


905 Hwy 3 North | Texas City, TX. 77591

409-935-4335  | 409-935-4153 (Fax)

© Independence Village

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