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Learning Sign Language at The Independence Village

Our Girl Scout Troop 137074 had a great time yesterday learning a new language. A sign language teacher from Clear Creek School District brought some students and they patiently worked with our girl scout troop and taught them how to sign their names and the Girl Scout Oath. It was great fun and a great new skill to learn.

Call for more information about The Independence Village or to schedule a tour! 409-935-4335 #Girlscouts #Troop137074 #independencevillage #nonprofit #mentaldisabilities #physicaldisabilities #tbi #memorycare #disabilitycare #intellectualdisabilities #downsyndrome #seizure #assistedliving #healthcare #caregiver #independentliving #caregiving #caregivers #homehealthcare #health #care #personalcare #disabilitylongtermcare #caregiversupport #family #homehealth #homecare #assistedlivingfacility #longtermcare #AssistedLivingCommunity #specialneeds #independencevillage #hravillage #theindependencevillage #galvestoncounty #texascity #ivillagetxcity #ivillagetx #ivillagetexas #independencevlg #specialneedsfamily #specialneedsmom #downsyndromeawareness #cerebralpalsyawareness #instagood #summervibes #summertime #summer #bhfyp


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The Independence Village is an assisted living facility for residents with intellectual disabilities. Providing independent living and promoting community involvement.

A long-term care ombudsman helps residents of a nursing facility and residents of an assisted living facility resolve complaints.  Help provided by an ombudsman is confidential and free of charge.  To speak with an ombudsman, a person may call the toll-free number


905 Hwy 3 North | Texas City, TX. 77591

409-935-4335  | 409-935-4153 (Fax)

© Independence Village

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