Our residents were so excited to join with the local community to celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr. Day with the 2023 Mainland MLK Parade. Our residents love being a part of the community and getting to participate in events like this parade. Check out their happy smiles and show them some love with a heart or thumbs up.
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#MLKDay2023 #MLKDay #MLK #MLK2023 #MLKParade2023 #MLKParade #independencevillage #hravillage #theindependencevillage #assistedliving #assistedlivingfacility #AssistedLivingCommunity #nonprofit #nonprofitlife #nonprofitorganization #nonprofitorg #nonprofitfundraising #mentaldisabilities #intellectualdisabilities #physicaldisabilities #specialneeds #personalcare #Personalcarehome #disabilitylongtermcare #disabilitycare #longtermcare #downsyndrome #downsyndromeawareness #seizureawareness #tbiawareness #cerebralpalsyawareness #aspergers #developmentaldisabilities #independentliving #caregiving #caregivers #caregiversupport #healthyliving #family #specialneedsfamily #galvestoncounty #texascity #ivillagetxcity #ivillagetx #ivillagetexas #instagood #LifetimeWellness #fearfullyandwonderfullymade #bhfyp