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The Festive Spirit has Begun at The Independence Village

Our residents and staff would like to thank Vicki Novosad-Walker, Dixie Davenport Sholmire, and her mother Peggy O'Brien Davenport for creating beautiful works of art with our Christmas trees. They have made our spirits bright with festive joy as we enter into the holiday season at The Independence Village. Thank you for your hard work and for loving our residents with your beautiful creations.

Please like and follow The Independence Village for more fun stories about our residents living their best lives.

Call for more information about The Independence Village or to schedule a tour!


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The Independence Village is an assisted living facility for residents with intellectual disabilities. Providing independent living and promoting community involvement.

A long-term care ombudsman helps residents of a nursing facility and residents of an assisted living facility resolve complaints.  Help provided by an ombudsman is confidential and free of charge.  To speak with an ombudsman, a person may call the toll-free number


905 Hwy 3 North | Texas City, TX. 77591

409-935-4335  | 409-935-4153 (Fax)

© Independence Village

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