The Independence Village is proud to celebrate 30 years of serving our residents who need just a little bit of extra help to live a great life. Enjoy this video as we look back at what started as a house of dreams in 1982 when Gladys Stephenson placed an ad in local newspapers, calling a meeting of those parents who shared concern for the long-term care and residential needs of individuals with developmental and physical disabilities.
Sixteen parents of adult children with disabilities from Galveston County responded and later that year formally organized as a nonprofit entity under the name HRA Inc. (Helping Residents Achieve). With an elected Board of Directors, and a willingness to volunteer time and effort, this dedicated group was intent on safeguarding the future of their children by building a local, affordable assisted living facility.
In October of 1992 after a decade of hard work and community support, the shared dream to provide quality long-term residential care for adults with developmental and physical disabilities was realized and the doors were opened.
In this year of 2022 under the leadership of our 30th Anniversary Co-Chairs Emken Linton and Randy Dietel and sponsored in part by the Cameron Foundation we have celebrated these 30 years with our residents, friends, family, community, local governments, state government, and recognition from our national government.
Save the date and consider joining us at our open house on Tuesday, December 13th as we culminate our 30th Celebration year.
Please like and follow The Independence Village for more fun stories about our residents living their best lives.
Call for more information about The Independence Village or to schedule a tour!
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