Help us congratulate our lovely Girl Scouts of Troop 137074 best helpers from cookie sales received their prizes yesterday after working so hard to sell cookies this year. Thank you to everyone who supported our Girl Scout Troop and bought cookies. You are helping our Troop to be successful and that allows for our residents to have the opportunity to learn new life skills and to have new and enriching activities.

• Call for more information about The Independence Village or to schedule a tour! 409-935-4335 • • • • • • • • #independencevillage #nonprofit #mentaldisabilities #physicaldisabilities #tbi #memorycare #disabilitycare #Girlscouts #Troop137074 #intellectualdisabilities #downsyndrome #seizure #assistedliving #healthcare #caregiver #independentliving #caregiving #caregivers #homehealthcare #health #care #personalcare #disabilitylongtermcare #caregiversupport #family #homehealth #homecare #assistedlivingfacility #longtermcare #AssistedLivingCommunity #specialneeds #independencevillage #hravillage #theindependencevillage #galvestoncounty #texascity #ivillagetxcity #ivillagetx #ivillagetexas #independencevlg #specialneedsfamily #specialneedsmom #downsyndromeawareness #cerebralpalsyawareness #instagood #summervibes #summertime #summer #bhfyp