Happy Birthday Sherry
Help us wish Sherry a very Happy Birthday. This Birthday Girl has made The Independence Village her home for the last 23 years.

Happy Anniversary Lucy
Help us wish Lucy Happy Anniversary. She has made The Independence Village her home for the last 22 years.

The Independence Village Celebrates 30 Years
The Independence Village is proud 2 celebrate 30 yrs of serving our residents who need just a little bit of extra help 2 live a great life.

Walk to End Alzheimer's 2022
On Saturday our residents were excited to join the community for the Rotary Club of Texas City - Walk to End Alzheimer’s charity event.

Faithful Friends Visit The Independence Village
Our residents had such a good time when Faithful Friends Animal-Assisted Therapy visited The Independence Village.

The Pilot Club of Dickinson Visits The Independence Village
The Pilot Club of Dickinson shared a fun evening playing Bingo with our residents at The Independence Village.

Happy October Staff Birthday
It's October! As our only staff birthday for October, help us wish Gwen a Happy Birthday.

2022 WILA Award Texas City-La Marque Chamber of Commerce
We are so excited to celebrate our special lady and Executive Director of The Independence Village, Judy Slocumb.

Ghostly Gala Coming October 20th 2022 Don't Miss Out!!!
Join us on October 20, 2022, at the Doyle Convention Center in Texas city for the Independence Village's Second Annual Ghostly Gala!!!

The Misfits Band Rocks The Independence Village
The residents at The Independence Village had such a great time rocking it out to the sound of the newly named Misfits Band.

The Library Lady Visits The Independence Village
Our residents have a great time and love it when the Library Lady visits from Moore Memorial Public Library in Texas City

Labor Day at The Independence Village
Our residents had a good time on Monday Celebrating Labor Day with a fun Labor Day lunch and ice cream.

Thank you Marathon Pipeline Company
Help us thank Craig Miller and Derrick Rankin from Marathon Pipeline Company who brought a generous grant for The Independence Village this

Keeping Heart Healthy with Ms Colleen
Help us thank our good friend Ms Colleen for keeping our residents healthy with regular exercise classes.

A fun afternoon of playing cards with our new resident
Our new iVillage resident Evan has been having a good time making friends with our other residents as they spent the afternoon playing cards