Keeping Heart Healthy with Ms Colleen
Help us thank our good friend Ms Colleen for keeping our residents healthy with regular exercise classes.

Girl Scouts Life Skills Badge Supplies Needed
Please consider helping us with supplies for their next Life Skills merit badge.

Therapy Doodles Come To Visit
Our residents love - love - love making new friends, especially if they have paws.

Bingo with COMPeers
Thank you to COMPeers, employees of College of the Mainland for bringing the fun to the residents of The Independence Village.

Bible Study Time at The Independence Village
The residents loved having Bible Study time yesterday with Ann & Stephen Baker from Pine Drive Baptist Church.

Girl Scout Fire Station Visit
Our Independence Village Girl Scout Troop and our guy residents visited the local Texas City Fire Department.

Troop 137074 Best Helpers
Help us congratulate our lovely Girl Scouts of Troop 137074 best helpers from cookie sales received their prizes yesterday.

A Fun Evening Outside
The residents LOVE to go outside and play games together on a pleasant evening.